Event SOS

Customised, relevant, and actionable 

Bespoke event advice and quickly

Do you have an event that’s fast approaching? 

Yet you are experiencing any of the following: 

    • Low ticket sales
    • Event page not converting
    • Content engagement is rock bottom
    • Email sequences not getting engagement
    • Not sure where to start with the sponsor or exhibitor pack
Just £99 will get you:

A power session with me (event strategist) to give you customised, relevant and actionable steps to take so you can finally start getting results from your event marketing.

    Event SOS is for you if:


      • you feel like something is off with your message or your methods, but you can’t put your finger on what it is
      • you’ve got less ticket sales than expected
      • you know you are posting on the right platform, but your content is falling on death ears

    Let’s dive in to untangle the weeds together.

    Book the Event SOS call today

    In just 1 hour, you will know exactly what to do next and be able to take confident steps in promoting your event.

    Let’s work together

    Could do with Training & Mentoring in your next launch? Let’s Talk to find the best solution for you.